Thursday, 26 March 2015

LO1: Feed Foward sheet

Student Name:                                 Class: 13Y                    Minimum Target Grade for task: Pass          Personal Target  Grade for task: pass
Assignment: Producing a TV news script for Games Corner
Understand existing audio media products and how they are created
LO1: Understand scripted elements in a range of media products
a)     Style  b)content  c) Narrative structure  d) Genre    e ) target audience
Feed Forward Blog Self-Assessment Coversheet
Areas for improvement for Task
For the task I need to improve my spelling especially on the word 'whereas', how ever I still need to give examples on the narrative structures and why they would use that certain narrative structure. I also need to mention that a video game script uses a flow chart. 

How are you going to address the above issues?

 To address these issues I will go back over the LO1 Task and correct my spelling issues and go back over the narrative structures to make sure that for each one I have talked about one example of that sort of narrative script and why it would follow that style of narative. 

What do you still think you need to work on/improve to achieve these?

 I still need to work on mentioning target demographics within the target audience section. 

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